Saturday, July 09, 2005
Supernanny, please come and rescue us!!
I hate writing a downer post after my huge, "My life is awesome because I'm in loooooove!" post the other day, but that's how it goes sometimes.

I'm really frustrated!

I can't seem to get my act together and it's driving me bananas. We're getting by, but it's like I'm just barely treading water. The house is a pit and the laundry piles up and the kids are bored to DEATH.

I need to pull out the booster chairs and strap them onto the kitchen chairs so the little babies can start using the high chairs. (Chairs! Chairs! I have to say it a few more times so it starts looking like a made-up word. Chairs! Chairety chair chair chairs.) I need to figure out some magical way of keeping the kids out of the kitchen cabinets and drawers. We have locks on the cabinets, but the kids still grab the handles and yank on them over and over, which can't be good for the cabinets. I haven't yet figured out a way of locking closed FIFTEEN kitchen drawers, and the kids pull them open and get out all the silverware, and HANG from the drawers (which I KNOW isn't good for them) and sit INSIDE of the drawers and my GOD it all just drives me insane. So they stay in the playroom all day. Every day. And I go in there and sit on the floor and play Itsy Bitsy Spider and watch Baby Einstein and Elmo's World with them and feed play bottles to teddy bears and tickle little chubby thighs and put puzzles together, but it's getting old, dude.

When are they going to get to an age where they'll listen A LITTLE BIT when I say, "Get down from there," or "No knife throwing," or "Stop hotwiring the van!"

I know I'm just going on and on about shit I've already gone on and on about...I just feel MORE overwhelmed right now, I guess, because I can't seem to get motivated to do anything! I know I need to switch things up a little and put some toys away and get new toys out and rearrange this and clean up that, but all I can do is sit here and lie on the floor under the air conditioning vent, while the kids eat Nilla Wafers and drop crumbs in my hair.

What has become of me?

I need the Supernanny to come in and say, "Mum, this is unacceptable. Let me make you a giant posterboard with a schedule for you to follow. We'll hang it on the fridge and by the end of the day, the kids will behave."

I'm so tired! I just want a nap.
posted by Unknown at 10:32 AM


Blogger Sleeping Mommy said...

Your preaching to the choir. Except I don't wnat Supernanny to come here unless she plans on coming and STAYING so I can take a nap while she does all the work.

12:32 PM  
Blogger BarbaraMG said...

You are being too hard on yourself. Just getting up everyday, getting dressed, feeding yourself and the kids and getting in a shower or two a week is a HUGE task! And don't forget...
Cleaning and scrubbing can wait 'til tomorrow
For babies grow up we've learned to our sorrow.
So quiet down cobwebs, dust go to sleep
I'm rocking my baby (or in your case babies) cuz babies don't keep.

5:06 PM  
Blogger Spring said...


They aren't cheap but unless the kiddies are harbouring large magnets they aren't getting into the cabinets.

Also, I can barely keep my shit together with one child. I worship you for doing it with four.

5:14 PM  
Blogger Brandi1977 said...

Ohhh my girl. I am feelin ya! I only have one and I am frustrated. I have no damn idea how you handle 4! Things will get better soon. (((HUGS)))

6:51 PM  
Blogger Felicity said...

Have you asked for supernanny to come? Surely it couldn't hurt! Enough exposure, you might get some help! Now that the townhouse has sold, maybe you can work something out a couple days a week?

We have a lot of our drawers and cupboards locked, but it wasn't too long before he was unlocking them anyway. I think what helped Daniel learn was he had his own cupboards with plastic stuff in them. I'm fortunate in that he doesn't really get into a lot of stuff. When Justin was little, he was awful about getting into things.

If I was you, I'd move everything you don't want them to touch UP and lock what you really don't want them to open and let them explore the rest. What's a little mess compared to sanity and amused kids? Once they explore it enough to their satisfaction, they'll move on. They are only doing what comes naturally...curious little minds!

7:13 PM  
Blogger Heather said...

After your done with Supernanny...send her over to me...PLEASE!

7:47 PM  
Blogger Crystal Starr said...

Hello, I was just blog surfing and came across your blog. 2 sets of twins! Wow! I hear ya about the laundry (I have three kids). It never ends! =oD

1:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't mean to giggle in light of your post, but the whole supernanny reference made me do just that. I wonder how well one of those "schedules" actually works. I need one too.

10:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For the cabinets... Heavy duty velcro, which you can find at Home Depot. It was worked wonders here where cabinet locks have NOT!

5:46 AM  

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