Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Ain't that just the way??
So, guess what? Our backyard is done! I mean, done! Did I say it was done? I meant, it was DONE. Honey still needs to finish building the steps, but hey, the kids can go out and play! The fence is finished and the window wells are covered. We have grass! Big wheels! A sand and water table! A swing set! He finished the last bit of fence about ten last night. I was looking forward SO MUCH to taking the kids out to play in their beautiful backyard for the first time, and now it's raining. Ha! Thanks, Mother Nature, you big fat bitch!

In other news, I took the kids to a petting zoo. There was no petting, as I wouldn't let go of either toddler's hand. Miss M was scared to death by a pig chasing a goat, which was kind of funny. And I didn't get any decent pictures, because it's hard to take a picture when you're holding onto two toddlers. Oh well. Next time!
posted by Unknown at 3:41 PM


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