Monday, June 13, 2005
My Monday, so far.
Well, it's almost 11:30. It's muddy as HELL outside (thanks for all the friggin rain, Mother Nature! Yeah, we're in a drought, but you don't have to be such a showoff.) so we can't go out and play - we're stuck inside all day.

Today, I've cleaned the kitchen, swept, mopped, threw out a 3/4 full container of sour cream opened about four days ago because we left it out on the counter all night (dammit! I hate doing stuff like that!) and broken up about fifteen little spats between the big twins.

The girl won't stop taking stuff from the boy, and he stands there and just wails. Stand up for yourself, boy! I'm so tired of it all! She is so bossy, and he is such a little WHINER. He NEVER stands up for himself, and my GOD, is it getting old. If he can't stand up to his twin sister, who is smaller than he is, what's gonna happen when they get to school?

I gave them each their goodie boxes from the party (exactly why goodie boxes are required at a 2-year-old's birthday party is a topic for another day) after I removed the Play Doh, stickers, and M & M's. Basically, they each got the goodie box itself, the little toy truck, and the blower thingy from the party. Within approximately five minutes, each of them had broken off a piece of the truck and were chewing on it. Two cheapass toy trucks, in the trash. Within approximately two minutes, the girl had both blower things. I got the boy's back for him five or six more times before I took all the stuff away from both of them and threw it all in the trash. Maybe it isn't a topic for another day. Why in the hell do two-year-olds need goodie bags? Nothing in the goodie bag was age appropriate - I knew I'd be throwing those cheapass trucks out in about ten seconds. I'm going to end up eating the candy. Huge waste of money, in my opinion.

The little babies will not shut up. They've been crying, crying, crying, unless I'm stuffing a bottle into them or holding them in my lap, which is just not practical when there are so many other kids in the house to deal with. I'm thinking they might be teething. The psychobaby is REALLY giving me fits, because she's SO tired during the day and just going through a phase where she refuses to nod off to sleep. She used to sleep well in the swing or the bouncer seat, now she says to hell with both of them. She has a freakin' FIT if you try to even PUT her in the swing. Yeah, it's fun.

Between all the fighting and bickering and wailing and the tears of sorrow because sissy stole the blower again, I cleaned the bathroom and Windex'd the sliding glass door. I felt like mother of the year as I sprayed Windex all over the glass, then realized one of the babies was sitting in the Exersaucer about a foot away from me. Nice! She didn't seem to even notice what I was doing, so I guess I didn't poison her.

And wow, what is this? I sat down at my laptop, and now I just hear the sounds of The Koala Brothers (man, could that Mitzi BE more annoying??) and a talking toy. NO crying children. Seems as if baby number one fell asleep in the swing, clutching a toy, and baby number two fell asleep in the bouncer (I forced her into it against her will - haha, baby, TOLDJA you were tired!) and the big twins are actually PLAYING. Making a note of this moment, for the record: 11:38 a.m. in Casa de Chaos, and all is calm.

Scratch that. Baby number two realized she's in the bouncer and woke herself up screaming. Dammit!!


11:49 and psychobaby is having a bottle and big boy is lying on the floor, shrieking, for no reason I can detect. THIS is the household I know!
posted by Unknown at 11:39 AM


Anonymous Anonymous said...

More than the goodie bag, I hate the child, who is old enough to know better, who ASKS "Where is my goodie bag?" upon leaving the party. Greedy little things.


11:26 AM  
Blogger Heather said...

Don't you just looove Mondays

11:30 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I know - I don't even GET the whole Goodie Bag concept - why do the guests need a present? When we were kids, we didn't get goodie bags - the fun part was GOING TO THE PARTY. And how often do you give 1 1/2 to 2 year old kids stickers and play-doh? In my house, NEVER. LOL!!

11:40 AM  

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