Thursday, June 09, 2005
Holy hell, it's already Thursday.
Time flies, I guess!

We didn't get to go to playgroup this week. Most everyone still has sick kids, and those who didn't decided to go to the pool. That's something I just am not capable of doing on my own - taking four babies to a pool!! So I took them all to the Children's Museum instead. We had a nice time! It's SO friggin EXPENSIVE, though! I really think it's a rip off. I mean, it was fun and all, but CLEARLY I have four babies - we are only going into the ONE toddler area - not even venturing past it into any of the rest of the museum. And we were only there a little over an hour - and it still cost us $28 to get in. $7 for each of us, except the littlest two, because under 1 gets in free. That's a fucked up pricing structure, charging the same price for kids THAT young, who are clearly only visiting one tenth of the museum for just a little while. A family membership is $70, but paying that much left a bad taste in my mouth and now I don't want to go back for a long time!
Still, though, the kids had A BLAST. It really is a great setup for tiny kids. And I put several pictures up on Flickr if you want to check it out over there in the sidebar.

Yesterday was our weekly Wal-Mart trip. It went fine, except it was SOOOOOO incredibly windy outside. I can't recall being outside when it was that windy before. My 80 pound stroller with 70 pounds of kids in it was actually GETTING AWAY from me in the wind. It was that sort of wind that makes you feel like you're on a motorcycle or something, like you can't even catch your breath. Damn! So we bought diapers and formula and groceries, and we popped into the new Babies R Us for a birthday present for my best friend's little boy. His 2nd birthday party is Saturday. We got him tub toys, at her request. They didn't have SHIT at Wal-Mart, so we HAD to go to BRU. And I noticed there that formula was a buck cheaper a can than at Wal-Mart, but wipes are a dollar more per carton, and they don't even CARRY Luv's diapers. You just can't ever go ONE PLACE to get everything, y'know?

Oh, and Miss K fixed dinner the other night, all by herself. I was pretty proud of her! She made hot dogs and corn on the cob. It was tasty, especially since I didn't have to do ANYTHING. She even served it up on Zoo Pals plates. Hee! She's leaving Friday for a week in Mexico with her dad and best friend.

And I think we've turned a corner finally with the baby girls - three nights in a row, they've slept until 8:30 without waking up at all! Oh, glorious day!!!!

Have a nice Thursday!
posted by Unknown at 9:02 AM


Blogger Christi said...

I want so bad to go to our Children's Museum, but it's $7.50/kid, and mine is only 2. I just can't fathom the idea of spending that much, when he'll be tired of it in minutes. You're a better woman than I am!

I think Wal-Mart would be totally smart to make you a special basket to fit all your yunguns! What kind of formula is cheaper at BRU? I didn't think anything was cheaper there than at Wal-Mart.

3:24 PM  

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