Monday, June 06, 2005
The Run-Down.
Well, good Monday morning!!

It's been just family, family, family these past few days. I was remarking to the man last night that the past few days, we've seen damned near everybody!

Thursday night was his little brother's high school graduation, so we saw his brothers, his mom, and a bunch of other family. The graduation was fun, even with all the babies there. It was a late night, though - we went out to eat at Lonestar afterward and didn't get home until like 11 p.m. Pretty late for those kiddos! And by the way, Lonestar can suck a fat dick. They are SO INCREDIBLY OVERPRICED. We usually go to Texas Roadhouse, which is just as good if not better, and WAY less moolah. I got a teeny, tiny, eensy beensie little filet mignon. I'm trying to think of something visually to compare it to. It was slightly bigger across than a Chips Ahoy cookie, but not by much. I cut it into like ten tiny bites and ate it in about three minutes. That steak, along with a baked sweet potato and a salad with bleu cheese dressing cost me SIXTEEN DOLLARS. Fucking fuckers, man. Just among our little group (honey and I and the big twins) our bill was sixty five dollars. For our two dinners and a grilled cheese and fries for the kiddos. I'm including the tip in that, too. Crazy.

Friday, I went to the Grand Opening of the BRAND NEW Babies R Us store that's right across the street from our Wal-Mart. Oh, it's so big and beautiful!! We got balloons and cookies and window cling shade things just for walking in the door. And we got TONS of attention in our giant stroller. I saw like four other twin parents too! I returned some babyproofing stuff I've been holding onto for awhile, and I got another Podee bottle for the babies (the kind with the tube they can drink from.) I also got some strappy things to see if they'll work holding the dresser drawers shut. Gonna try them out. AND! The new Del Taco that's right there opened on Friday too, so we had fish tacos and fries for lunch. Yummay!

AND THEN, I took my $17 I got back from BRU in returns and went garage sale shopping. I got a bunch of stuff! For seven bucks, I got about ten little Sesame Street vehicles with these magnet things that pick up pretend rocks and stuff like that - three shirts for my girl and a 3-pack of burp cloths - a Tonka dump truck - a neat board book with baby pictures in it - three little electronic toys (two radio things and a phone) - some cloth book type of thing for the bitty babies - and a squishy truck thing. It's like a truck that rolls and makes electronic truck sounds, but it's made out of squishy foam or something. Woo-hoo! The kids were SO GOOD while we drove around the neighborhoods.

We got home right in the nick of time, too - almost as soon as I got the kids in the house, it started raining, and we had SUCH a huge storm, complete with flash flooding (I saw the street I drove home on completely flooded with water on the news!) and hail and a funnel cloud less than a mile from my house and buckets and BUCKETS of water just pouring from the sky. I had all the kids in the basement for an hour and a half - that was FUN - not! Spring/Summer in Colorado!!

Saturday, honey's dad and stepmom came over. We hung out with them for awhile and had an early supper. Then his aunt showed up too - and my parents! His family watched all the kids while we went with my parents to the girlchild's dance recital. And there, we saw K's dad and a bunch of other people we knew. The recital was a lot of fun. We were out later than we planned, though. It went on FOREVER! We got home so late that his dad and stepmom just spent the night. And then yesterday, Sunday, they got up and left - and honey's mom came over to help him with the kids so I could go to my friend's baby shower! And I saw a bunch of people THERE that I know.

So, all weekend long, we've seen like...almost everyone in our lives!! Weird! The baby shower was fun too, as those go. Usually I think baby showers are lame, but this was a lot of fun. I was gone for almost six hours, between picking up the child and shopping for the gift and hitting Wal-Mart for groceries afterward! I was watching my friend open her gifts thinking, man, she got EVERYTHING she'll need for that baby! Then later I realized she didn't get THE MOST important things of all, in my opinion: a swing, an Exersaucer, and a bouncy seat!! The lifesavers!! I'm sure she'll get right on it, though.

Today it's bright and sunny (finally! After days of rain!) and I'm HOPING we can get out somewhere. The kids are going stir crazy - they haven't been able to play in the yard because it's a huge mud puddle. And my house is a PIT because we've been off doing stuff all weekend and not here picking things up. It's just a constant battle to pick up around here, with so many babies messing it up! And tonight's the twin club meeting, so I'm getting to go out AGAIN! Whee!

Have a nice Monday! (P.S. in the sidebar there, see my Flickr pictures? There's a picture there from the dance recital!)
posted by Unknown at 9:36 AM


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great pics of the girls! I didn't get one that wasnt blury!

I hope I can pick up all that stuff at garage sales! I didnt get a single bottle either!
Looks like I am hittin' up the new Babies R Us in the next 2 weeks!

10:21 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I noticed all of Troy's were blurry too!! What was up with that?

11:14 AM  
Blogger k8 said...

hey email me about the baby clothes thing. i love yard sales too!

1:03 PM  
Blogger Katie said...

I love Babies R Us! (Even though I don't really have a baby anymore, *sobs*) Glad you had a wonderful time with all your family!

2:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She looks so grown up. and beautiful and just like you! And short? Or is her friend just tall for her age?

Have you noticed how freakin tall young girls are nowadays? My sister's girls all have friends that tower over them, literally. It scares me. I don't remember them being so tall when I was young.

and I LOVE BRU! But I am so pissed at TRU. Did you know they don't do price match anymore? WTF??!!!

6:24 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

She IS short ... and her friend is tall! So, it's both!

9:59 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

...And, thanks! :-)

10:00 PM  

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