Thursday, May 26, 2005
Blah, blah, kids this, kids that, blah blah.
The kids are doing much, much better today. They're still snotty, but not NEARLY as snotty as they've been all week, and it's clear now instead of yellow/green. (TMI?) The boy's had three doses of amoxicillin and seems to be feeling quite a bit better. The bitty girls did well after their shots. One had a fever, the other one did not. They both got Tylenol repeatedly, just because I thought it probably hurt like hell having their plump little thighs poked four times!

Today was Wal-Mart/Sam's Club day. My mom had today off, so she went shopping with me. It's SO MUCH easier and so much harder having another person with me. Does that make sense? It's great having an extra person to push the cart or the stroller, but it's hard too, because I do things a certain way and I have a SYSTEM for EVERYTHING - which kid goes into the car first, where we go in the store first, etc. etc. Grandma always throws everything off, because she spoils them rotten - gives them candy and sips of her soda in the store and stuff like that. I know it's what grandmas do! She also bought us two packs of diapers and toys for the big twins - a Tonka truck for the boy, and a stuffed ducky that laughs hysterically when you squeeze its toe for the girl. Oh, and a couple of puzzles, too. They are INTO puzzles all of a sudden! Once we got home with all the stuff, I know she was all too happy to get in her little car and get the hell out of here! Ha! As much as everyone seems to adore my children (and how could you not? They are freakin' PRECIOUS, man!) they are even happier to leave Casa de Chaos and get back to normal life, where the babies DO NOT outnumber the grownups!!

On another note altogether, have you heard about that new spyware/virus crap that takes your computer hostage? It evidently shuts down everything and you have to PAY a RANSOM to get a code to get your computer back. This scares me to death. I have a bazillion digital pictures on my computer, not backed up. I need to back them up, like, NOW, but they're so disorganized, I want to organize them first. I really need to get on that!! I want to install Windows XP on my computer so all our computers are the same, but I need to back up all those pictures and all my MP3s first. Bah. I need my own little Nick Burns the Computer Guy living in my closet or something.

Okay, I need to get my Sam's Club goodies put away. I hate that they don't give you boxes for your stuff anymore - I always end up with boxes of taquitos and huge things of apple juice rolling all over my van!! Have a spleeeeendid Thursday afternoon.
posted by Unknown at 1:10 PM


Blogger Katy said...

What? No more boxes?

2:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pretty sure that's impossible - keep an eye out at, if it's something that's a widespread rumor, they will uncover whether it is true or not.

11:05 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Actually, it is possible. I saw it on the news, and a quick Google search for "spyware computer ransom" will show you a whole bunch of credible stories all about this one here.

12:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, the people doing it are stupider than stupid then, because they're gonna get caught almost instantly.

12:10 PM  

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