Wednesday, May 18, 2005
A Quick Update

It's 2:13 p.m.

We haven't made it out of the house yet. In fact, I'm not even dressed. But! Three out of four children ARE.

I could see the morning slipping away from me, so I decided we'd go after naptime. My children are stellar nappers, so I had no doubt I could both shower AND make my shopping list while they were asleep.

Best laid plans!!

So, I started vacuuming the playroom while the big kids were in their highchairs eating nuggets and fruit. The boy freaked the hell out. Where did this new vacuum cleaner phobia come from??? Actually, I shouldn't have been too surprised - I replaced the batteries in one of his toys that makes a lot of rattly noise the other day - it'd been dead for QUITE awhile - and he freaked out when it started going off, too. I guess he's having some issues with noise lately.

That led to a whole domino effect of problems between the two of them - neither one wanted to go to sleep - there was YELLING - there was crying - there were muffled, sleepy sobs - and here it is an hour and a half later and I KNOW that neither of them has taken a decent nap!

And I don't have my shopping list made, and my hair is all flat. (Got the shower, but that's IT.)

But we are still going to Wal-Mart, come hell or high water. I'm fairly certain they'll sleep a little either on the way there or the way back, and that's better than NOTHING. Besides, getting out of the house will do us good. I have no doubt it'll lengthen their lifespan!!

What was that I was saying earlier about feeling joy and being blessed? Jeez!
posted by Unknown at 2:17 PM


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