Wednesday, May 18, 2005
Hump Day!
The week is already halfway over. I can't believe how the days just fly by! Especially because during the darker moments, time seems to stand still!

The kids are being delightful. Their moods and attitudes really are better when we spend time outdoors, even if we're just mucking around in the dirt out back. They were SO cute yesterday at the park, going up and down the stairs to the slide, over and over and over. The boy actually WENT DOWN the slide, which amazed me - it was a tornado slide with three complete twists in it - pretty big slide, and he went down it on his own!

I found out I was pregnant one year ago today. And the baby girls are four months old today! They are really getting CUTE. They're so interested in what's going on around them - they're really starting to get interested in their little kick gyms and Exersaucers. One of them started blowing raspberries yesterday - SOOOO cute, it makes your head hurt! And the other one laughed out loud, a full belly laugh, a couple of nights ago. They're so much fun.

I swear, for as much as they drive me crazy sometimes - and as frustrating as it is never getting a good night's sleep or getting all my stuff done around the house, I sure do feel blessed having all these babies. They bring me such pure joy - I can't even put it into words.

Today we're making our weekly trip to Wal-Mart for formula and diapers. It seems like we've been going through A TON of both lately, for some reason. I also need to stock up on batteries. Naturally, all the kids' toys go dead all at once. They have a little puzzle-type toy that sings nursery rhyme songs, and it sounds like something straight out of a haunted house now! Those nice, sing-songy voices sound downright spooky when the batteries are nearly dead!

I also need to go shoe shopping at some point in time. I have NO summer shoes. I want something cute to wear with capris, but I don't want flip flops. All my summer sandals are stretched out and worn nearly flat from two summertime pregnancies. We're going to the Hooters swimsuit contest on Friday night and I'm probably going to wear my new capris I got for mother's day, so I need appropriate footwear! (By the way, woohoo! Friends and beer and no kids and ME! All in one place!)

Have a deeeeelightful Wednesday.
posted by Unknown at 10:05 AM


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