Monday, May 16, 2005
The Black Widow!
Honey found a big black widow yesterday in the backyard while he was working on the sprinklers. It was under a tarp he had covering some bricks that will eventually become a walkway. He caught it in a bucket, and the two of us worked together to get it inside a clear glass jar. That must have been hysterical to watch, the two of us freaking out, jumping around and hollering, trying to get the spider to crawl onto a stick and then transferring it to the jar. Freaky looking little fucker.

So anyway. We had another spider we were keeping - I know, we sound like freaks, but honey likes to keep a spider specimen collection in a little container so if one of the kids gets bitten by a spider, we'll know what kinds of spiders we have living around here. We put the two spiders in the jar together to see what would happen - if they'd attack each other or ignore each other or what. The other spider wasn't as large as the black widow, but was still HUGE. The black widow chased the smaller spider around for a minute or so, then gave it a thwack with one of her long spindly legs, knocking it on its back for a minute. Then she deftly moved in and cocooned it, spinning a little web all around it in about five seconds. Then she sucked it dry. It was like watching the Discovery Channel!

And it freaked the hell out of me, man!! I dreamed about that spider all night long, it seemed like! I've been worried about it somehow *escaping the jar* all morning. It's currently out in the garage, and I actually had to call the man at work and ask him EXACTLY where it was, because I was scared to even go out to my van, for fear that I might bump the jar and knock it to the floor, breaking it and releasing THE EVIL SPIDER!

I *HATE* spiders! I especially hate black widows!


I killed the black widow. I was OBSESSING over it all morning, and I decided it had to go. I opened up the jar lid just a smidge and sprayed in a tiny bit of oven cleaner. It shriveled right up. I was afraid to tell the man at first, worried that he wanted to keep the "specimen" longer, but I fessed up and told him about my "crime of passion!" I told him I wasn't PLANNING to kill it, but it just happened. He wasn't too upset. Ha! So, no more spider!

(Please, please, please don't tell me there are probably a dozen more black widows around the foundation outside. Please, please, please, PLEASE don't give me that "you're never more than three feet from a spider" thing, either. I'm not listening to you! La-la-la-la-la!)
posted by Unknown at 9:53 AM


Blogger Katy said...

Holy are just as weird as my husband and I. LOL He found a centipede at work once and we put in in a fish tank. We would find spiders and scorpions to add to the mix. It was absolutly like watching the discovery channel.

12:14 PM  
Blogger Renee said...

I would have been fascinated too but then freaked out about it. that's all we need is a big ass spider wrapping a web around us and sucking us dry!lol I would have called my hubby too by the way!LMAO

5:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Laura...jesus. Thank god you killed it. Don't mess around with shit like that!!! We rarely have big spiders around here, but the biggest I saw was two summers ago, on our patio deck window, the body was about 1/2 an inch across and the legs maybe an inch each, and it was black, brown and white speckled. It sat on a web for a few days that got biggr and bigger because every day that went by, I didn't even have the guts to spray it with raid, oven cleaner or even hair spray for godssake. Then one day when I finally DID have the guts, i went out there and IT WAS GONE. Okay, I was TERRIFIED then, that it got in the fambly room (through that slidy door). And oh my god it was awful. Law since then is, see a spider, KILL IT. I'm sorry, I'm not a murderer, but I do not take chances. Years later I still wonder if that fucker is in my house somewhere. UGH! Now I'm going to have a nightmare too. Heh.

7:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I am glad that you killed it. Our house has a major problem with spiders in the spring/summer because of our unfinished crawl space. We want it lined but the landlord doesn't want to :( Mostly in the basement... I hate it. We need someone to come spray here soon! Hopefully you won't see another one this year.

10:13 AM  
Blogger Brandi1977 said...

OMG I am getting the shivers just reading that! I hate spiders too....I have never even seen a black widow around me but I have a ton of little (some much bigger then others) that freak me the hell out! YUCK!

6:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude I should NOT have read this post... *shaking my head* OMG we found a black widow climbing our wall (one and only spider or kaka thing in our apt!). I made Darren KILL IT!!! I was scared frozen stiff!!

11:19 PM  

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