Sunday, May 22, 2005
The Weekend!
So, it's a lazy Sunday. Lazy for me, anyway, since I'm parking my butt on the sofa and not doing anything. For now. The laundry beckons, but - eh. I do household crap all week long, and I feel like being a bum right now!

The big twins are in the playroom, running around in circles, tossing Legos around, watching Elmo's World, and playing with this "new" toy the just rediscovered. It has all these buttons and switches that play different sounds and different Elmo/Cookie Monster sayings. It has a doorbell switch that's driving me bananas! It sounds JUST like our actual doorbell. And you know how everyone has that instinct to jump up when the doorbell rings. It's freakin' me out, man!

The little twins are bouncing away in their bouncy seats. Little girl doesn't dig her swing anymore all of a sudden, which is distressing. They're both really liking the Exersaucers though, so it's all good. Let me tell you what they did to me today...generally, if they sleep "through the night" it means one or both will wake up about 6 a.m. Seven at the latest. Today, honeybun nudged me at NINE O'CLOCK, saying, "What's going on with those babies? I haven't heard you get up at all..." Scared the hell out of me! I ran into their room, and they were just snoozing away! It was like a GIFT! But I really think the extra three hours of sleep just made me SLEEPIER, as I can't get it GOING today!

We've had a nice weekend, just doing our typical family stuff. K's at her dad's house, so it's just us. Friday night, my parents and honey's aunt came over to watch the kids for us for the evening, and we WENT OUT!! Not just a movie or to dinner - we went OUT, out! We went to the Hooters swimsuit contest (it was lame) and to Coyote Ugly (it was also lame.) I had SUCH a blast hanging out with everyone I haven't seen in forever, even if the places we ended up at were totally stupid. I had some great grownup conversation that I so badly needed! And I had some yummy drinks, too - Red Bull with green apple vodka. Yummy! I only had a couple, though, because I haven't had anything to drink other than the occasional glass of wine in almost two years. I didn't want to end up getting all drunk and stupid. We had so much fun! And after we got home, we sat up in bed talking for a good hour before we knocked out - it was so nice. I love those sweet talks where you're all cuddly and everything's just so perfect.

We haven't done TOO much this weekend - at least, I haven't. Ha! Honey's been working his ass off in the yard. He's been building a retaining wall for the spot where our eventual shed will go, and working on the sprinkler system in the back yard. We are SO CLOSE to being ready to lay sod! It's awesome! I can't WAIT to have a nice yard for the munchkins to play in! We've been out there playing all the time anyway, in the dirt. But having grass to play in will be SO much better. Not to mention - the DUST coming in my house is just *insane*. It was even worse when the neighborhood was still under construction and NOBODY had backyards and houses were still going up all around us - we had dust on everything, all the time. Now it's only bad when it's really windy. It was hot as hell yesterday - I contemplated putting the baby pool up! It had to have been close to 90 degrees. Kind of sucks, really, because we had NO spring. It was cold, cold, cold, and now it's hot, hot, hot. You know, I got my tubes tied, when? April 28th or 29th? And it snowed like HELL that day! My mom took me to the hospital, but I ended up driving, because she doesn't like driving the freeway during a blizzard! I'm not sure if it snowed in May, but it WAS cold. Hell, a week and a half ago, I was in the backyard with K and the kids during the evening, and we could see our breath! And now, it's hot. Hmph. I missed out on the lovely spring weather! I hope it doesn't STAY this hot. A week or two of pleasant temps would be nice.

And tonight I'm making baked spaghetti, a big salad, and garlic bread. I've made a decision to only have family-style sit-down-at-the-table dinner on Sundays. It's too hard to get everyone fed at the same time on a nightly basis. The kids are just too little still. I think by the time they're three and two, it'll be easier - but for now, I usually feed the kids first and honey and I eat by ourselves later. Not tonight, though! We're all eating at the table like a family. Yay!

Now - if I could just find some motivation to get off my ass and do something today...

Ooooh, and the season finale of Desperate Housewives is TONIGHT!
posted by Unknown at 1:49 PM


Blogger Felicity said...

I know exactly what toy you are talking about...the giggle station. Daniel's got one, we usually leave it in the van as a travel toy, doorbell drives me nuts too! I wish I was bumming around, instead we've just totally tore apart our office to convert to a bedroom for Justin. "tis sad when you outgrow a four bedroom house!

1:27 PM  
Blogger maricar lianne said...

Wow! I'm glad you got out although it was lame. You had more wits that I did. I got wasted my first night out after child. Eh.

I almost forgot about the season finale. Thank God you reminded me!

Hope your dinner goes well.

5:20 PM  
Blogger Kate Giovinco Photography said...

I am so watching desperate housewives. I love it!

6:46 PM  
Blogger Katy said...


6:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Must be something in the air - my daughter, who is usually up by 7 am, slept until 9:45 today! The extra sleep is sooo nice, isn't it!

6:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like an awesome night out :)

We had, oh, a week of spring. The desert does the friggin cold and snowy change to friggin hot and sweaty very quickly! LOL

9:53 AM  
Blogger Stacie said...

Hi there, I am mamamandas sister and found you on blogexplosion. Wow 5 kiddos eh? I have four and thought i was crazy! :) Great Blog, I blogrolled you so I will be back.

1:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh my! Wow- I woudl love it if my kids woudl sleep in an extra few hours! I know Maggie is good for it- but Jonas is wired to rise at 6.

2:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should buy a lottery ticket, Laura. You know what the odds must be of FOUR babies sleeping past nine o'clock on the very same day?!

12:20 AM  
Blogger Sandy said...

You're so lucky! I haven't slept past 6:30am in ....forever! How in the world did you do that?? And now my babies are going to sleep later and later and still getting up at the same time in the morning, it's frustrating.
Anyhow, WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN TO THE PLUMBER DUDE?!? Man, I can't believe they left us hanging like that! And Zack, is that HIS son?!

1:19 AM  

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