Monday, September 26, 2005
Half Assed Monday
Good Mo'nin! I'm like the walking dead, thanks to Nikki the Amazing Non-Sleeper. I can't believe how much that kid DOESN'T sleep anymore!! I think she has a cold, or is growing, or hates her crib, or there's a monster in her room, or she wants to slowly drive me insane. I'm really not sure what her issue is. It's a good thing she's cute, or I'd be putting her up on eBay with a little Buy It Now, Suckers!

I keep almost posting here and then getting sidetracked. So, we're going to half-ass it and do a bulleted list.

* Went to a birthday party this weekend for like, five minutes. Actually, more like an hour and five minutes, but it was still fun. My parents could only babysit for a brief little bit. Still fun, though.

* Paul's dad and stepmom spent the night here Saturday on their way back from LA. They brought some big toys for the kids from Paul's Tia out there who also has twins. Her twins are 15, so they've outgrown their Little Tikes house and big slide tower. Yay! New stuff! The kids are SO stoked about it. They've been CRAZY climbers! Pictures to come.

* I got new stuff with our wedding money! New dishes, new canister set for the kitchen, and a new teakettle. Now we need towels. Bed Bath & Beyond will be seeing more of us.

* On my way to buy new stuff, some douchebag motherfucker in a convertible came within a few feet of hitting us head on as he was passing a semi on a 2-lane road. I hit my brakes and sucked my breath in, and he snaked back into his lane just feet away from my bumper. Fucking moron. I had to pull over and cry for awhile because I was so shaken up! So much for THAT route - I'm taking the freeway from now on, tolls be damned.

* Wasn't Desperate Housewives good? I'm so happy it's on again! And didn't Rex look dead as SHIT? Paul and I both winced when we saw him - they did a great job of making him look like a dead guy! His eyes looked glued shut and everything.

* Oh! Remember when I said I was making that Prairie Land Pot Roast from the Kraft magazine? It sucked ten kinds of ass. It was AWFUL. Paul is OVER trying new shit. It's spaghetti and meatballs tonight. (Actually, penne and meatballs, because I hate spaghetti.)

* I talked to my sister! Actually, it was over a week ago, but I forgot to mention it. You may or may not know I haven't talked to her since early last summer and haven't seen her in over three years. She has a lot of issues, and lives far away. I had a bad feeling that something was wrong, so I was Super Sleuth Laura and tracked her down. I love her and I miss her. I also mourn the relationship that I wish we could have had. I'm hoping and praying my girls grow up and have close, sisterly relationships. My sister and I don't have that. And it's especially hard for me because I IDOLIZED her for the first half of my life, and she's disappointed me SO many times. I think I might finally be over feeling completely abandoned by her, but it's taken like, fifteen years. Guess I have issues too!

* I'm out of diapers and almost out of wipes. I'm also out of bread and milk. We HAVE to go to the store, even though I'm running on four hours of sleep. I'd drink a Red Bull if they didn't give me the caffeine shits. HAHA! Somehow that doesn't happen when it's mixed with vodka, but I don't think that's the type of drink I need to get my butt in gear today!!

Have a splendid day.
posted by Unknown at 11:28 AM


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