Thursday, September 01, 2005
The final stretch!
This is our last day of preparation for the wedding, or is supposed to be. We decided we'd rather relax on Friday and hang out, waiting for our out-of-towners to arrive than be running around all crazy, so between now and midnight, we're gonna bust ass and make everything perfect.

I don't have much left to do, actually...some laundry, vacuum the stairs and our bedroom, vacuum downstairs again...finish making the photo cd we're going to have playing on the TV and finish the WinAmp playlist for the wedding. And when my girls get here (Kim, Cindy, and Colleen - I ain't linkin' right now!) we need to make pasta salad, fruit salad, finish making my veil, put up decorations inside, decorate the trellis, and Kim's making my wedding cake. Whew! Not much relaxing there, but it should be fun!! Whee! I'm giddy! Kim's already en route! (At this point, it probably would have been cheaper to fly!)

Two days from now, I'll be married already. Wow.
posted by Unknown at 6:43 PM


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