Friday, August 26, 2005
Yay! A new place to play!
So, the playland at our mall opened a weekend or two ago, but we just got around to going today. I must say - it was delightful!! Usually it's HARD for me to take the kids to places like that because they run far off in opposite directions. This playland is just small enough that I can keep an eye on each kid, somehow. And there are benches all the way around it so they can't scamper off TOO quickly without my noticing. Best of all, hardly anyone knows it's open yet, so there weren't many people there. I think the big twins are getting a wee bit more mature, too, FINALLY, so when I holler at them, they will *usually* stop before running out into the mall. It was nice!

We also saw my mom for about 5 minutes. Shit, she mentioned that she bought something for the wedding and I should run by her house and get it on my way home. I totally forgot until this very moment. D'oh! It's hard to visit with her at work, because you know when you're working, you want to remain inconspicuous and not look like you're bullshitting with your daughter and four grandkids. But we're such a spectacle, that everyone in the store has to come over and see us. So I kept it short and sweet, and we just kissed hello and were on our way. The wee baby is grouchy today anyway, and any longer and she would have had a total meltdown.

Anyway - I just wanted to post that. Woohoo! I love it when we find a new, kid-friendly place to play. And this playland is nice! It has lots of neat stuff to climb on, plus a whole reading area with lots of nice books. Someone actually said to me quietly, "Those books won't be here for long with all these little Mexicans running around." !!!! I didn't say anything back to her, but she did look startled when I called for my son to come over and she heard his very Spanish name! People are such jackasses sometimes.

Have a splendid weekend. xoxo
posted by Unknown at 12:55 PM


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