Monday, August 22, 2005
The Speech Eval
The speech evaluation was great!! I learned SO MUCH. And I got teary a couple of times too. The speech pathologist was a woman who was so nice and she took all the time in the world to observe my children. After we finished up in her office, she sat and played with the big kids in the stroller while I fed the girls some bottles, so she could have extra time to spend with my boy.

She said he's not just behind in speech, but in his motor skills too. I was surprised at first, because the child climbs everything in the world, but as soon as she pointed it out, I saw it too. He is clumsy and has a harder time than his sister with fine motor skills like placing cars on a track or opening doors and drawers. She said when we worked on that, his verbal skills would catch right up.

She also said one of his bigger issues is his lack of "partner play" skills. He really is a loner - he doesn't want to or like to play with other people, so he has no NEED to communicate. So we're going to work on that too. And she gave me the numbers to call for the programs we need to get him into.

Neatest of all, though, was...while we were in her office, she held up a book with four pictures on each page and said, "Where's the cookie?" and he pointed right to it. I have never, ever seen him communicate like that. He has never pointed to anything until today. So that made me happy. AND! Biggest thing of all!! While they were in the stroller playing with a toy, taking turns putting blocks inside a cube thing, he did the sign for "more" - I had NO IDEA any of the signs we were doing were even getting through to him. He clearly signed more when he wanted another block. I was stunned! It brought tears to my eyes to see him do it!

She said we should really push the sign language and lots of one on one play and playtime along with his sisters, taking turns and stuff. I feel great after getting some concrete answers!
posted by Unknown at 4:09 PM


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