Monday, August 22, 2005
Monday Morning!
Good Monday Morning!

The boy is seeing a speech pathologist today. We had a hearing test done about two weeks ago, which he passed with flying colors, so it's time for us to see someone else. People keep telling me he'll speak when he has something to say, that he lives in a house with four sisters who do all his speaking for him, that boys typically talk later, blah blah blah. I keep thinking: he's two. Or will be two, a week from tomorrow. He should be saying SOMETHING, but he says NOTHING. He says no words. None. The occasional "dada", but not directed at his daddy or anything, just babbling. He doesn't say no or Elmo or bye bye or milk or cup or night night or anything that his sister says. She is talking like crazy now, and he says no words at all. So, we'll see what the speech pathologist has to say.

A rather unproductive weekend here. The mister got a few things done, but he still hasn't finished the steps - a rather significant part of the Big Backyard Project. K had two friends spend the night; one on Friday and one on Saturday. We did end up watching Because of Winn Dixie on Saturday night. It was a great movie. I loved the message behind it. K had already read the book, so I guess it wasn't a big deal that she fell asleep and missed the ending! I did get a few things put away in the kitchen that were bugging me. I'm trying to put away non-essential stuff for the wedding so you don't see, like, baby wash and the bottle drainer and my tiny food processer in the background of photos. LOL!

I'm hoping I can find some time here and there this week to get the attic all cleaned up and ready for our houseguests. Our nanny doesn't have much time for us now that she's started working at her real job! I hope she can give us a few hours this week! The kids miss her.

Well, hell, I'd better get my ass in gear so we aren't late for the appointment. Have a nice Monday!
posted by Unknown at 8:57 AM


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