Wednesday, August 24, 2005
I feel like I have nothing to blog about except how my kids behaved at Wal-Mart and what some dork said to me at Sam's Club and how we played outside today. Boring ass life, that's what I have! Well, it's not boring to me, after all, I'm ::sniff:: shaping young minds!! But I'm sure to anyone observing it, it's pretty fecking yawn-worthy.

Anyway! That's what you get. We went to Sam's/Wal-Mart today. The kids were being hellions before we got to the second store, so I kept them in the stroller and WALKED across the parking lot, across the street, across the other parking lot, to the other store. Seemed like a good idea to get them out in the sunshine and fresh air, and I think it did help them. It sure as fuck didn't help ME, though, sweating my ass off in the heat, pushing a stroller full of kids. When I was checking out at Sam's, the lady behind me looked around me to see what I had in my stroller, and she goes, "THOSE aren't all YOURS, are they? NO. Can't be. Daycare, right?" Like, who the fuck runs a daycare and takes all the kids to Sam's Club? Would anyone do that?? I smiled and said no, they're all mine. "REALLY? My GOD, you've GOT YOUR HANDS FULL! You are a BRAVE WOMAN bringing all those kids shopping." I just said, "Well, it's that or starve." and went on my merry way. I know I bitch about this all the time, and I'm starting to think maybe I'm too sensitive. Am I? Or does that seem like a pretty rude comment? Maybe it's just me. Maybe it's just that I get half a dozen, "You've got your hands full!" comments minimum every time I walk out the door. It just gets old quickly, I guess. I think what bugs me the most is that people act as if I owe them a mini-conversation and a chance to gawk at my kids, just because we dared to enter the store. When you see a toddler having a tantrum, do you approach the parent and start going, "What's wrong with him?" God, no. You probably just move on quickly. Or give a knowing, empathetic glance. Or even think to yourself, "What a brat. Thank God he's not mine." But you probably wouldn't ever think to APPROACH THE CHILD and start getting in their face, would you? Yet that's what people do when the tantruming child is part of a set of twins. All the time. Annoying as hell! Go away!!

Well, guess I had a little ranting to do, there. Ha! After we came home, I put all the shit away and took all four kids in the backyard to play. I set up the sand and water table for the first time, and the kids really liked it! They got SOAKED to the bone, though. We played outside for a long time - probably over an hour. Now everyone is eating dinner and I'm sitting here wishing it were bedtime, because everyone's on my nerves and I have a headache. Peh!!

Just think, next week at this time, I'll be freaking out because the wedding's in three days.
posted by Unknown at 6:23 PM


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