Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Back then they didn't want me, now I'm hot, they all on me.
Excuse the way sporadic posting. I'm SO BUSY getting everything done for the wedding. And I'm noticing that I have songs stuck in my head 24/7. This happens every time I'm super busy - I get a piece of a song stuck in my head during all my waking hours. When my big twins were tiny babies, I remember sitting on the bathroom floor rocking them at 3 a.m., singing in my head, Baby boy you stay on my mind, fulfill my fantasy...I think about you all the time and see you in my dreams..." Just that one line over and over. And when the latest twins were born, I was running around singing, "I'll tumble for ya...I'll tumble for ya...I'll tumble for ya, I'll tumble for you..." (don't ask! It must have been I Love the Eighties week on VH1 or something.) And for days, I've had that Mike Jones song in my head, just the spooky sounding chorus, over and over and over and over and over. And that new Kanye West song too, just the "Now I ain't sayin' she's a gold digga..." lines. Aughhhh! I'm ready to watch The Wiggles just to clear my head!

(Three more days until the wedding!!!)
posted by Unknown at 9:58 AM


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