Friday, June 17, 2005
Friday Morning
I'm cranky today! One of the babies woke up early - her head was under the crib bumper!! Must be time to take those out, huh? She was sideways in the crib and got her head up underneath it and was screaming to be freed. Miss M woke up from all that and I got her to lie down in her crib again, just in time to be woken up by her other sister, who was awake and hungry. I gave up and got all three girls up and brought them downstairs, and then the boy woke up too. I don't know why everyone woke up so early today! And the toddlers are cranky and whining. Hmph.

Honey stayed around long enough for me to grab a quick shower, so I'm all ready to go - dressed and shoed and everything - so I'm thinking we're going to get out of here and do something. Maybe we'll go garage saling since it's so early. (That's the SAHM secret, y'know - Friday morning garage saling! Best day to go!) I'd really love a huge diet Coke from McDonald's, too.

Maybe we'll do that. And pick up Father's Day cards while we're out. Bye!


We went garage saling. I was starting to get really annoyed and disappointed by all the total crap sales I was finding, but finally, I found what I was looking for. I spent five bucks and got a bunch of great toys - a Blues Clues talking fridge (dude! It is soooo cool!) and a Leapfrog talking doll thing and a Little Tikes light up power saw thingy and like ten little Lamaze/Infantino/Discovery Toys rattles and things for the little babies. Score!! Then we went to Target for a hot dog and some Father's Day cards. I also bought sandals for the big kids. Spiderman and Hello Kitty. The End!
posted by Unknown at 8:05 AM


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