Wednesday, May 04, 2005
Those crazy baby girls BOTH woke up at 4:30 this morning, hungry. I fed them both, but they fussed and fidgeted and grunted and squeaked and wouldn't go back to sleep. I was afraid they'd wake up their big sister, whom I definitely didn't want to deal with at that hour, so we all moved downstairs to the family room at the butt-ass-crack-o-dawn. I got a few minutes of sleep here and there, between their squeaking and Miss K coming downtairs and banging around in the kitchen, fixing herself breakfast - the phone ringing really early - honey asking me where the Claritin was - and finally, the big twins waking up and letting me know on the baby monitor that they, too, were ready to come downstairs.

I ran around and threw some laundry in the washer and straightened up, then I packed up all the kids to go grocery shopping. I found an $11 formula check in my coupon drawer I'd forgotten about - yay! The kids fell asleep on the way there, so I stopped at Sonic for a big old diet Cherry Limeade and a cheese coney. (WTH is a coney, anyway? Why don't they just call it "chili dog?") You'd think with as much as I run my ass off all day and as rarely as I get to sit down and eat a meal, I'd be skinny as a RAIL, but no. Hmmm, must be the constant diet of Pop-Tarts and Goldfish crackers. Dammit. Anyway! We did all our grocery shopping ($237 later...gasp!! $140 of that was just diapers and formula!) and headed back home. It was pretty sunny and nice today, THANK GOD, after our week and a half of clouds and rain and cold weather. I think the fresh air did us good! We'll see how the girl is feeling when she wakes up from her nappy - little boy is already up, running around crazy - maybe we'll go for a little walk around the block.

I keep thinking, holy shit. I've been up for like twelve hours, just about - and I still have six or seven hours until I can even think about going to bed! Shouldn't I be MORE tired? What is it? Adreneline? Caffeine? Maybe it IS the sunshine and fresh air! Watch, I'll crash and burn in the next hour or two and honey will come home and find them all in saggy wet diapers, running around with dirty faces while I'm face down in the carpet. Ha!

Hope your Tuesday has been splendid. Oh, wait! It's Wednesday! Ack! I've already missed a day! What happened? I think I'm going to make nasty frozen pizza for dinner and watch Medium and Las Vegas that honey taped for me when I went to my meeting the other night. (Hanging head in shame - no, we don't have Tivo! We have the Old School Tivo - a VCR!)

posted by Unknown at 4:15 PM


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was pretty much my day except I only have one baby and I blew the lot at Menards instead of the grocery store. I did make nasty frozen pizza for dinner; but I skipped it and opted instead for a more healthy dinner. A snickers bar.


6:16 PM  
Blogger Kerry said...

You mean after all the talk Paul still didn't break down and get you that Tivo? LOL He should!!!! Look at all you do all day indulgence would be so nice :D

6:22 PM  

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