Tuesday, May 03, 2005
I'm so annoyed with my nifty new photo printer. I got it for my birthday (which was a month and a half ago!) and STILL have yet to print out a single picture!! I HATE it when people design things to be TOO idiot proof; to do too much of your thinking for you, do you know what I mean? If you stick your memory stick into the printer, it's EASY to print a picture. If you scan a photograph on the scanner bed, it's also super EASY to print a picture. However, if you already have the file saved on your computer, it requires a freakin' Act Of God to get it to print the picture properly. Why? Why assume that everyone on the planet just prints straight from their camera?

It's like when you try to type something in Word and that annoying Clippy atrocity pops up and says, "It looks like you're typing a letter. I'll just assume that you are, even if you aren't, and I'll just go ahead and format this document for you, and it'll be a total pain in your ass to undo the formatting. Mmmkay? How's that?" Gahh! Just let me do what I'm trying to do, and quit trying to get into my head!
posted by Unknown at 8:46 AM


Anonymous Anonymous said...

AHH!! That paperclip thing drives me apeshit! I always shut it off, but for some reason he WON'T GO AWAY!!

My photoprinter has been all screwed up lately, I bought a new photo ink cartridge, and now all of my pictures have a hideous pink cast to them. WTF, mate?

11:18 AM  

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