Tuesday, May 03, 2005
Getting My Groove Back!
I've been so "off" lately - I think it's due to the big bedroom switcheroo. Moving the three baby girls together really affected all of us, since the babies wake M up early and she's a grouch because she's not getting enough sleep. Add to that the several-days-long adjustment period she had to go through getting used to her new bedroom, where she barely napped - and the new crib tent we just put on her crib a few days ago to keep her from escaping and running off to hotwire the car - it's all a lot to go through for a toddler. And when she's grouchy, we all suffer - particularly her poor brother, who ends up getting bullied and pushed around by her all day long.

So I've been tired as hell too, just trying to deal with it all. And my normal day-to-day stuff that I do just hasn't been getting done very timely, and it's been annoying the crap out of me. I keep trying to play catch up, and I feel like I'm running in circles, getting NOTHING done. But today, I feel pretty rested (I really think the entire day of resting after my tubal did me a world of good!!) and I've gotten some stuff done. I got all the kids up and bathed the big twins, got them fed, fed the little babies, cleaned the bathrooms, cleaned the kitchen, ran the dishwasher, made our bed (haven't done that in, like, five days!) put away a ton of laundry, washed towels, straightened up all the kids' rooms and changed the sheets on the cribs. Now I'm sitting on my ass reading blogs and drinking Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi. (Thanks to Steph, I've been totally craving it for weeks now!)

Yesterday helped things too, I think. The weather here has SUUUUCKED lately - it's been cold and rainy/snowy for days, and although it's sunny out right at this very moment, we have rain in our forecast until Thursday. Bleck. This is not typical Colorado weather! Usually we have periods of rain and snow, followed by more sunshine! ANYWAY. The kids have been cooped up for days, and yesterday, I took them to the mall to let them run the bugs out of their butts. We went to the "big food mall" where they have a play area made of giant plastic food for little small children to scale. Of course, in the 4-seater stroller, we had the attention of the entire mall, pretty much. The kids ran around and had a BLAST. It wasn't too relaxing for me, as I spent the whole time trying to keep one eye on each child and still keep an eye on the two sleeping babies in the stroller.

And one beeeeeyatch dressed in a velour tracksuit ala J Lo, which was a wee bit too snug for her - and flip flops, which showcased her trashy looking toes, actually TALKED SHIT about my children. Gahh! I didn't hear what she said, but she was gesturing toward my kids and my stroller, and had that snarky expression on her face. I stood there and glared at her for a good thirty seconds, hoping she'd say something else to her little friend. She didn't say anything else. Man, I was ready to BRING IT. I can't believe how instantly fuuuuurious I was. How DARE she not think my children are absolutely adorable? Isn't it funny how even a PERCEIVED threat to your children turns you into a raging mama bear?? I was giggling about it on the way home, thinking about how low rent it would have been for me to get all up in her face at the mall play area.

We got back home and the big twins took a nice long nap, which they really needed. They were really good for daddy last night too, as I took off for a few hours and went to my monthly twin club meeting. I just love getting out of the house! I feel so lucky that my honey will stay home with the kids like that for me, even if it's only once a month. I know I could push him to watch them more, but I know he has a million things to do too, and I hate disrupting his schedule. It'd be different if he was sitting on the couch drinking beer or something; then I'd totally push the kids off on him and go to Starbucks or something! But when he's at home, he is BUSY - always organizing, building, cleaning, whatever. He does a ton of stuff around the house. Seriously - I'm a lucky woman, and I know it!! Just a couple of days ago, he made me a Bottle Holder out of a microphone stand. LOL!! It actually works fairly well - needs a bit of refining, but will work in a pinch. I find it easier to feed both babies at once just by having both in my lap, with one in the crook of my arm and the other resting her head on my thigh while her body is on the sofa. Whatever works, right?

So anyway, I guess my point was - things are going better on the domestic front. I still need to sweep and mop, and do a bunch more laundry, and maybe vacuum, and I'll be really, really happy. Maybe we'll even get to the supermarket today. Maybe.

Have a splendid day!
posted by Unknown at 10:11 AM


Blogger Procrastinating perfectionist said...

Site looks great Laura!

6:33 PM  

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